
CNRS International Research Network
Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity
France - Norway

The main objective of the IRN AI&Cyber is to conduct joint research activities involving artificial intelligence (AI) for cybersecurity. AI has a major impact on many areas of digital science and even more widely.

In particular, applications of AI can be foreseen for:

Prevention (finding and patching vulnerabilities in order to eliminate potential weaknesses),

Detection (detecting possible cyber attacks with behavioral analysis),

Prediction (gathering and processing large amounts of data of different types to predict cyberthreats before they occur),

Defense (responding autonomously without human intervention by creating defensive patches).


Our Objectives

The different research topics the partners of the AI&Cyber network intend to work on are:

Digital Identity

Leader - Pr. Christophe Rosenberger (GREYC - FR)


Leader - Pr. Patrick Bours (NTNU - NO)

Digital forensics

Leader - Dr. Emmanuel Giguet (GREYC - FR)

Cyber threat intelligence

Leader - Pr. Audun Josang (UiO - NO)

Data quality

Leader - Ass. Pr. Kiran Raja (NTNU - NO)

Machine and deep learning

Leader - Pr. Olivier Lezoray (GREYC - FR)

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