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Séminaire IMAGE : « The (topological) tree of shapes: Structure, Construction and Applications », Julien Mendes Forte

26 septembre 2024 / 14:00 - 15:00

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Julien Mendes Forte, doctorant de l’équipe IMAGE du GREYC.
Il donnera un séminaire IMAGE  le jeudi 26 septembre à 14h00 en salle de séminaire F-200.

Titre : « The (topological) tree of shapes: Structure, Construction and Applications »

Résumé :
The topological tree of shapes (TToS) is a new hierarchical graph-based structure defined in the framework of mathematical morphology that models topological information of grey-level digital images. In recent works a theoretical study [1] and an efficient construction scheme based on the well-kown tree of shapes (ToS) [2] were proposed for the TToS. In this talk, we will describe the TToS, its properties, the way to build it, preliminary filtering results and the its potential applications. Additionally, we also focus on the ToS, from which the TToS derives, and the underlying issue of modifying the ToS without respecting a specific set of rules.

Références :
[1] Nicolas Passat, Julien Mendes Forte, Yukiko Kenmochi. Morphological Hierarchies: A Unifying Framework with New Trees. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 65(5):718–753, 2023.
[2] Julien Mendes Forte, Nicolas Passat, Yukiko Kenmochi. Building the topological tree of shapes from the tree of shapes. International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM), pp. 271–285, 2024.


Date :
26 septembre 2024
Heure :
14:00 - 15:00
Catégories d’évènement:




ENSICAEN – Batiment F – Salle F-200
6 Bd Maréchal Juin
Caen, 14050 France
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