Team leader : Laurence MECHIN

The “Electronics” team works on various research activities on advanced electronic components and high-sensitivity sensors, ranging from materials to devices and systems. Measured quantities include magnetic field, electric field, infrared and X-ray radiation, temperature and gas. The team’s expertise in measurement engineering can answer a variety of scientific, societal, industrial or cultural questions such as health, environment, non-destructive testing and device physics.

The team is organised in 3 axes:

Axis 1: Physics of semiconductor devices: noise, temperature, electronic defects

Axis 2: Functional oxides: from thin films to sensors

Axis 3: Complex measurement and detection systems: noise, sensors, instruments, applications

Key-words : Magnetic field, electric field, temperature, radiation, gas detection.


The performance of electronic components can be degraded by the presence of defects induced by technological manufacturing processes, by imposed electric fields and/or by ionizing radiation depending on the application. We have developed the necessary skills to characterize these defects by low-frequency noise measurements, pulsed electrical measurements and/or DLTS measurements. The study of low-frequency noise is also used as a non-destructive diagnostic tool to predict the quality and reliability of future electronic components. Components can be damaged by thermal effects. Original techniques are developed to estimate their heating, in particular by Raman spectroscopy.

The research activities are carried out in the framework of an international collaboration with imec (Leuven, Belgium) and also with local (CIMAP, CRISMAT, EAMEA), national (GPM Rouen, IEMN Lille) and industrial partners (III-V lab Marcoussis, Thales Land & Air Systems, Murata).

1) Study of electrical transport and identification of defects in semiconductor components

  • Low frequency noise
  • Influence of electrical stresses and neutron irradiation
  • Pulsed measurements
  • DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy)

2) Thermal characterization of GaN transistors 

  • Raman spectroscopy
  • Electrical measurements

3) Study of passive components within the joint laboratory with Murata (IPDN)

  • Identification of defects by electrical characterization

The activities in this area are aimed at exploiting the particular physical properties of functional oxide thin films. The objectives are on the one hand to realize magnetic and radiation sensors and on the other hand the study of heterostructures and defects in these oxides in order to eventually design new sensors. Thin oxide layers are mainly deposited within the GREYC either by pulsed laser ablation or by sputtering.

The research activities are carried out within the framework of international collaborations with IMDEA (Madrid, Spain), SISSA (Trieste, Italy), IOM-CNR (Trieste, Italy), University of Cornell (USA) and also with local (CIMAP, CRISMAT, EAMEA), national (IEMN – Lille, Synchrotron Soleil – Saclay) and industrial partners (III-V lab Marcoussis, Thales Land & Air Systems, Murata).

1) Magnetic anisotropy, AMR, MOKE and applications
Anisotropy imposed by epitaxial growth: effect of different substrates
Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR) in the framework of the H2020 ByAxon project (www.byaxon-project.eu)

2) Radiation detectors
Bolometers LSMO
Dosimeters X

3) MEMS and humidity sensor
MEMS: constraint effects
Moisture meters

4) Defects and properties of oxides and heterostructures
Heterostructures LAO/STO
Ion implantation within RIN research project Evol_Peliicaen

Axe 3 is interested in the study of complex measurement and detection systems with 3 themes: high sensitivity magnetic sensors, electric field sensors and smart detectors. The research carried out has in common a systemic approach to the problems. The analysis and implementation of sensors as well as applications require simultaneous consideration of the physical quantities of the system, noise, non-linearities, digital and / or analog signal processing and technological limitations of the components. The system approach makes it possible to link the entire sensitive element to the application.

The research activities are carried out within international collaborations with Virgina Tech andOffice Naval Research (USA), Darpa (USA), Polytechnique Montreal (Canada), NIST Boulder (USA), LIMMS/CNRS IIS (Tokyo, Japon) and also with local (LCS), nationaux (IEMN – Lille, Synchrotron Soleil – Saclay) and indusctrial partners (Corrodys, Chauvin Arnoux).

1) High sensitivity magnetic field sensors

2) Electric field sensor

3) Smart detectors


ALLEGRE Gilles – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

BOUDART Bertrand – Professor at the University of Caen Normandie

CORDIER Christophe – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

CRETU Bogdan – University lecturer at the ENSICAEN

DENOUAL Mathieu – University lecturer at the ENSICAEN

DOLABDJIAN Christophe – Professor at the University of Caen Normandie

DUFAY Basile – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

FLAMENT Stéphane – Professor at the ENSICAEN

GASNIER Julien – Technician at the ENSICAEN

GUHEL Yannick – University lecturer at the University of Caen

GUILLET Bruno – University lecturer at the University of Caen

GUNTHER Chantal – University lecturer at the ENSICAEN

JOREL Corentin – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

LAM CHOK SING Marc – University lecturer at the ENSICAEN

LANGLOIS Pierre – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

LEBARGY Sylvain – Engineer at the University of Caen Normandie

MARESCHAL Olivier – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

MECHIN Laurence – CNRS research director

PIERRON Victor – CNRS Engineer

OUKAOUR Amrane – University lecturer at the University of Caen Normandie

SAEZ Sébastien – Professor at the University of Caen Normandie

ROUTOURE Jean Marc – Professor at the University of Caen Normandie

ROBBES Didier – Professor at the University of Caen Normandie

BECHARA Haddad – PhD student ESITC (2023)

CARIN Régis – Emeritus professor

CARVALHO DE ARAUJO Laryssa Mirelly – PhD student RIN doctorant 100 % (2021)

EL MAAOUI Houcem – Post-doctoral researcher PROCOMIC

ENGER Luiz – PhD student ByAxon (2021)

HAAS Olivier – PhD student Allocation ministérielle (2021)

HAMARD Donovan – Engineer projet MAGELLAN

LECHAUX Yoann – Post-Doctoral researcher ANR BOLOTERA

MBOGOL-TOUYE Achille – PhD student RIN doctorant 100% (2020)

PACARY Thomas – Engineer projet ASSOCE

ROBLIN Matthieu – Engineer projet ASSOCE

ANR BOLOTERA (2021-2024)

Région Normandie – RIN recherche tremplin: ETHNOTEVE (2021 – 2023)

Région Normandie – RIN recherche Emergent: NanoLABinTEM (2021 – 2022)

Région Normandie – Projet maturation ASSOCE  (2020 – 2021)

Projet DGA MAGELLAN (2020 -2022)

H2020 FET OPEN : ByAxon (2017-2020)

Région Normandie et FEDER : PROCOMIC (2018-2021)

Région Normandie – RIN recherche : PLACENANO (2018-2021)

Région Normandie – RIN recherche : EVOL_PELIICAEN (2017-2019)

Région Normandie – Emergence : C2MTM (2016-2018)

ANR et FEDER : LHOM (2014-2017)

To be completed

To be completed



To be completed